Wednesday 4 September 2013

Eating for Sperm Fertility

Eating for Sperm Fertility

Three key measures for sperm health
are sperm count (quantity), sperm
motility and sperm morphology. The
correct medical name for low sperm
count is oligospermia, and there are
some key nutritional guidelines that
can help to improve this condition.

Get Your Fruits and Vegetables.

Color your plate with at least 2 1/2 cups
of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit: leafy
vegetables, apples, oranges, and

• Choose Whole Grains. Savor at least
five 1-ounce servings of whole grains
each day, like bowl of oatmeal in the
morning, two slices of whole-grain
bread at lunch and a cup of brown rice
with dinner.

• Eat Low-Fat Dairy. Dairy products
are full of calcium, vitamin D,
potassium and protein – all nutrients
that keep your body functioning well.
Choose at least three servings of low-fat
or fat-free dairy, such as 1 cup of milk
or yogurt or 1 ounce of cheese each day.

• Cut Down on Meat. Eat less red
meat and choose leaner protein
sources: fish, turkey, chicken breast or
pork chops. Go vegetarian at least two
meals a week; eat vegetable proteins
like beans, nuts, and seeds.

• Be Smart about Fats. Clear "bad"
fats from your diet. This includes
saturated fats from meats, full-fat dairy
products and fried foods. Replace with
healthy fats. Snack on an ounce of
walnuts each day, drizzle extra-virgin
olive oil on roasted vegetables and
salads or add avocado to your
Vitamins and Minerals:
Too much or too little of certain
vitamins and minerals can affect
sperm. Here are some examples:
• Vitamin C and Zinc. A lack of
vitamin C and zinc may cause sperm to
clump together. Men should get 90
milligrams of vitamin C a day. Sources
of vitamin C include citrus fruits and
vegetables. Men should aim for 11
milligrams of zinc a day. Zinc is
abundant in oysters, crab, ready-to-eat
cereals, red meat, poultry, beans and
• Vitamin A and E: Vitamin E is
abundant in raw seeds and nuts, sweet
potato, and mango. High amounts of
vitamin E can be found in some fish like
tuna and salmon. Vitamin A is found in
liver, carrots, spinach, cheese and
eggs. When selecting foods that
improve sperm production it is
important to look for items rich in iron,
zinc, selenium, and folic acid. Studies
have shown that men who take a
combination of zinc and folic acid
supplements can increase their sperm
counts by up to 74%.

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