Monday 2 September 2013

30 Home Remedies That Really Work

#30 Lemon, Orange, Honey and Ginger
Creating a tea-like concoction with lemon, orange and ginger slices is great for attempting to rid yourself of a cold or the flu especially when you add a tablespoon of honey to it.

#29 Avocado for PMS?
Eating plenty of avocados can provide great relief to women who suffer from PMS pain. Avocados are very rich in magnesium and that is essential in subduing the pain

#28 Lukewarm Spongebath
Taking a lukewarm sponge bath can reduce fevers especially in children and infants.
#28 Lukewarm Spongebath
Taking a lukewarm sponge bath can reduce fevers especially in children and infants.
#27 Lime Juice
Applying lime juice onto your scalp can decrease the amount of dandruff that can possibly build up.
#26 Green Tea
Drinking green tea is a great home remedy to cure urinary track infections.
#25 Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a not only a good home remedy to soothe scars on the skin but is also great to reduce hot flashes in menopausal women by digesting.
#24 Vaseline
Rubbing Vaseline on your toes and the heels of your feet can cut down on the amount of blisters that you get.
#23 Sunflower Seeds
Eating plenty of unsalted sunflower seeds is a great home remedy for reducing your cholesterol level.
#22 Tomatoes
Eating tomatoes can help those who suffer from migraine headaches due to the fact that they are rich in niacin.
#21 Spoon of sugar
Sucking on a spoonful of sugar can stop a person for the annoying sensation of having the hiccups.
#20 Peroxide
Using peroxide provides a home remedy for many things such as cleaning a cut, whitening teeth and also removing earwax.
#19 Lemon Slices for Corns
If you notice that you have a corn somewhere on one of your toes the best thing to do is to place a small lemon slice on top of it and sleep with it there overnight.
#18 Vinegar Bath
If you or someone you know has a chickenpox outbreak then one of the best home remedies for it is to take a bath with vinegar inside of the water
#17 Oatmeal Bath
If you are suffering from some sort of skin outbreak such as a rash or eczema then taking a bath with oatmeal inside of it can soothe the itching and eventually make the outbreak go away.
#16 Teaspoon of Honey
Drinking a teaspoon of honey can go a long way for soothing a sore throat.
#15 Olive Oil
Simply drinking a teaspoon of olive oil is great way to get rid of a hangover after drinking too much alcohol the night before.
#14 Ginger Ale
Drinking a glass of warm ginger is a terrific way to soothe an upset stomach or rid yourself of gas.
#13 Peppermint
Eating a peppermint or drinking peppermint tea are two great ways of curing an upset stomach
#12 Yogurt
Eating plenty of yogurt can decrease the amount of time that a person has a cold sore
#11 Aloe Vera Gel
If you ever get sunburn then the best home remedy is to first thoroughly clean it with anti-bacterial soap and then apply aloe vera gel to it.
#10 Meat Tenderizer
If you or anyone that you know ever gets stung by a bee simply rubbing meat tenderizer on the sting will remove the poison from it immediately.
#9 Baking Soda and Water
Drinking a mixture made with a teaspoon of baking soda and water is also another way to sooth an annoying toothache.
#8 Fresh Oregano Leaves
Many people don't know this but chewing fresh oregano leaves can go a long way for curing a toothache.
#7 Warm Milk
Drinking a cup of warm milk can not only help you drift off to sleep but it can also relieve stomach cramps which are most commonly associated with diarrhea.

#6 Bananas
Bananas are a great source of potassium which is essential in helping get rid of leg cramps and charlie horses
#5 Walnuts
Eating three or four walnuts on a daily basis will help with arthritis pain.
#4 Steam from the Shower
If you are congested and are having trouble breathing simply run the shower on its hottest temperature and inhale the steam which rises from the water
#3 Hot Toddy
Adding a shot of brandy into a cup of tea will definitely break up any phlegm you may have inside of your chest.

#2 Salt Water
If you have a sore throat one of the best home remedies is to gargle with a cup of warm salt water.
#1 Echinacea
Simply add Echinacea into a cup of a boiling water or tea and it will clear your sinus and allow you to breathe better

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