Thursday 26 September 2013



1 - Run with her on the beach.
2 - Give her your sweater when she’s cold

3 - Never talk about other girls infront of her.

4 - Learn to play the guitar for her.

5 - Comfort her when she’s scared.

6 - Watch the sunset with her.

7 - If she can’t sleep, read her a bed time story.

8 - If you get in a fight with her and she starts crying, just stop and hold her.

9 - Never force her to do anything.

10 - Call her beautiful, especially when she least expects it.

11 - Never let her walk home alone.

12 - Play with her hair when she’s laying on your chest.

13 - Always make the first move.

14 - Never lie to her, she’ll find out.

15 - Kiss her when she’s sleeping.

16 - Sing to her no matter how terrible your voice is. ..she’ll like it.

17 - When she’s fighting with someone, defend her even when you don’t think she’s right.

18 - Accept her for who she is.

19 - Call her beautiful instead of hot nor sexy.

20 - Don’t let go first during a hug.

21 - Tell her if she has something in her hair.

22 - Tell her you love her before she sleeps every night.

23 - Never go through her messages.

24 - Making her look bad infront of your friends will make you look bad, too.

25 - Always have her back.

26 - Kiss her in the rain.

27 - Leave her voice messages to wake up to.

28 - Stay on the call with her even if she fell asleep.

29 - Let her fall asleep in your arms.

30 - Give her piggy back rides.

31 - Call her babe.

32 - Apologize when you’re wrong.

33 - Always open the door for her.

34 - bosoms or butts doesn’t matter.

35 - Notice the little things.

36 - Give her flowers.

37 - Good hygiene is a must.

38 - Be confident.

39 - Don’t swear.

40 - Carry things for her.

41 - Always be the stronger one.

42 - Pay for dinner.

43 - Hold her chair.

44 - Be a good listener.

45 - Don’t brag.

46 - Compliment her.

47 - Don’t use her.

48 - Respect her.

49 - Perform random acts of kindness.

50 - Never take her for granted.

51 - Give her breakfast in bed.

52 - Hang out with her friends too, not just yours.

53 - Do whatever it takes to make her happy

54 - She’s more important than video games.

55 - Don’t make a promise if you’re going to break it.

56 - If she slaps you, you probably deserved it.

57 - She should have three things from you; your sweatshirt, a stuffed animal and a really pretty ring.

58 - Never slap her, even if it’s just in a joking way

59 - If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.

60 - Forget her birthday once and you’re screwed.

61 - Hug her from the back.

62 - Never insult her, even if you’re joking around.

63 - Never miss a date.

64 - Try your best to get her something on your vacation. (it doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it’s from the heart)

65 - Wear that knitted sweater that she mad for you. (it will mean the world to her)

66 - Never ask her to buy you things.

67 - If you love her, show her, not your friends.

68 - Don’t get upset if she wants to watch chick flicks. (you might even like it)

69 - When she’s sick, don’t neglect her.

70 - Reply her texts.

71 - Never ask a girl out because of a dare.

72 - Never be late for a date.

73 - Unexpected surprises

74 - When both of you are in a fight, take the blame even if she’s wrong.

75 - Listen to what she has to say.

76 - If you know she loves you, don’t play with her emotions and take advantage of it.

77 - When she refuses to talk to you because you did something to upset her,insist and make up for it.

78 - Make her feel like a princess.

79 - Shift to the dangerous side when crossing the street.

80 - When she drops something, stop whatever you’re doing to help her.

81 - Never let her down of blow her off.

82 - Treat her like your best friend.

83 - Kiss the back of her hand.

84 - Love her when she least deserves it — that’s when she needs it the most.

85 - Tell her your stories and feelings too. She wants to hear them. Promise.

86 - Don’t tell her lies just to spare her feelings, she’d rather know the truth now rather than finding out later.

87 - Yes, “I’m cold” is another way of saying “hug me”.

88 - Believe her and believe in her.

89 - Always listen to what she has to say.

90 - Good grammar is sexy.

91 - Look her in the eyes.

92 - Let her rest her head on your shoulder.

93 - Take the initiative to go and talk to her.

94 - Have pillow fights with her.

95 - Never talk bad behind her back.

96 - Never be a jerk to her infront of her friends.

97 - Never go to parties or hang out with other girls without her.

98 - Never make excuses.

99 - Don’t talk to her when you’re mad. (you will screw something up)

100 - Don’t try to keep anything from her.

101 - Slip sweet notes in her locker. (they will make her day)

102 - Never let a day pass without saying ‘I love you’ to her.

103 - Always protect her from any kind of harm.

104 - Never give her a reason to think that she’s the man in the relationship.

105 - Grand gestures.

106 - Kiss her under the stars.

107 - Love her unconditionally .

108 - Make her an album of the songs that reminds you of her.

109 - Never lead her on if you know nothing’s going to happen.

110 - Never answer “Does this make me look fat?” question. (it’s a trick)

111 - If you love her, never let her slip away.

112 - Your warmth soothes her heart.

113 - When going out, don’t ask her what she wants to do, take charge and decide.

114 - Smile and laugh at her jokes, even if they aren’t funny.

115 - If you don’t have time for her, make time for her.

116 - Always be available for her.

117 - If you love her, tell her before it’s too late.

118 - Never forget an anniversary

119 - When you’re around her, always make her feel like you’re her first and last.

120 - It’s the little compliments that means alot to her.

121 - Show her off infront of your or her friends.

122 - When she’s tired, carry her.

123 - Never accuse her.

124 - Do it because you want to, not because you want something back in return.

125 - Actions speak louder than words.

126 - Have those I-love-you-more -fights. (she thinks it’s cute)

127 - Don’t say whatever when you are arguing. (it’ll make her more mad)

128 - Never blame her for your mistakes.

129 - She loves that cute smirk. Promise.

130 - A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feeling s un intentionally .

131 - No more bro’s before Who’s. Well respected women, before bro’s.

132 - Don’t go anywhere without kissing her goodbye.

133 - Hold the door for every girl, attractive or not.

134 - Try to write a song for her, even if you’re not musically inclined. (she’ll love it no matter what)

135 - Text her good morning to have her day start with a smile.

136 - She comes first. Always.

137 - Never let her forget how much she means to you.

138 - Never let her fall asleep waiting for your call.

139 - Her “nothing” is always something.

140 - Never tell a girl she doesn’t understand. Ever. Chances are she does.

141 - Forehead kisses.

142 - Have a day for just you and her, she loves the one on one time.

143 - Have tickle fights with her (but let her win)

144 - Dance with her even when there’s no music on.

145 - Stay up, even if you are tired to talk or chat with her

146 - Never give her a reason to doubt your feelings for her.

147 - Never reject her kisses or hugs.

148 - Don’t text or call her just because you’re bored.

149 - Kiss her spontaneously in the middle of her sentence

150 - Love her for who she is, not for who you want her to be.

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