Everything we do, good or bad, we
must always remember God. He is so powerful. Many people have been
saying that God leaves us in our current predicament because we are
wicked. God is never wicked, though. Quranically speaking, God
had said He “will not change people’s condition, unless they change what
is within themselves”. So no wonder we are still suffering. God is not
to blame.
If we are poor, we always covet for
other’s wealth. If we are rich, we are as gluttonous as a cow who filled
her mouth with a bunch of hay, but still mooing for more or like a pig
who has much for his belly but had to, inadvertently, snort and oink to
show dissatisfaction. We are all guilty. We are so guilty because we,
intentionally, tend to forget that there is God o. Thanks to Mama First Lady for bringing us to the mainspring of the consciousness of this holy and phrase. We must be proud of her.